Getting Organized? - At My Bead Table
B een thinking for a while that I need to get my bead table organized. But I have to do more than think about it to get it done! There are at least two ways to approach this challenge, that I am considering: 1) Sto p buying beads and work with what I have - this is an "Organic" way to work through the beads, and also a challenge to be creative : not run out to the store to get the 'right' focal, but work with what I have. I have tried this approach at times whe n making quilts, and gotten good resul ts. (Al though, I still have plenty of fabric in my stash.) 2) My alternative approach would be to stop creati ng for several days and do a "su rgical approach" and just sort and purge until I have cleared up my working space. The question is, shou ld the beads be arranged in colorways such as reds, green s, blues, etc. or should I keep all the projects and shopping sprees together ? My usual creative process often begins at the store, picking and choos...