
Showing posts from July, 2010

Wordless Wednesday #1


Decisions, Decisions!

This Blog can't decide where to focus. I must be ADD today! Thanks to whoever invented Wordless Wednesdays, I think I will find plenty of pics to be able to post a photo once a week, even if I can't think of what to say. Today we take the Princess on another College Visit. I'm bringing my camera - there must be some pretty campus shots out there!

Things I Care About

A random list of stuff I care about; in no particular order. Cooking healthy food for my family - Thinking about Meatless Mondays. Patchwork Quilts - because it's a good way to use up my fabric collection! Recycling - Don't you just hate the thought of all the (probably usable) stuff going into landfills? The Ten Commandments - and other ways to create a Heaven on Earth. Sustainability - how to manufacture things without destroying the Earth. Learning about Clean Energy - Solar, Wind, Geothermal. Groundwater - Let's keep this valuable resource clean and uncontaminated. There's more, but I can't think of it right now!